Beloved Faithful Community of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Please know that we sustain our vocation of love and service to Our Eucharistic Lord and to the community solely on divine providence through the goodwill of the faithful community. Like any family with a residence, our needs are many.  We have eighteen Sisters residing at the Shrine, and we must first provide for our basic daily sustencance. Hence, we need to care for all of the Sisters with the appropriate medical, dental and eye care. Finally, we are completely responsible for the maintenance of St. Paul's Shrine and for the Altar Services. For instance, during the winter months, our gas bill can run as high as $15,000 a month.

Please be generous with the talents God has given you by making a general donation to help the needs of the Sisters. 

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts with prayers before Our Eucharistic Lord for your generosity. No gift is too small. May God bless you, all of your intentions, and all of your loved ones with an abundance of grace.
                                                                       Mother Mary James
ps: when you click on the "Donate" button below, you will be sent to our special on-line Donation Form which you can fill out and submit. The confidential processing system only accepts Visa and Mastercard. Your donations will be automatically deposited into the Sisters' checking account!  Your donations are tax deductible as our Order is a 501(c)3 non-profit.  As a simple courtesy, of course we will acknowledge your donation, but you can keep the acknowledgement for tax purposes.  Once again, thank you, and God bless you!